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Pouring Acrylics Remix

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1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
1 Day Workshop $80

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Workshop Description:

Welcome back to our Pouring Acrylic follow-up class, where we invite you to revisit your previous creations and take them to new artistic heights. This session is designed for those who've already experienced the magic of acrylic pouring and are eager to enhance their paintings.


In this follow-up, Mona will guide you through refining and elevating your existing artworks. Explore advanced color mixing, intricate pour combinations, and various pouring techniques to add depth and complexity to your pieces. The class offers a collaborative and supportive environment, providing personalized feedback to help you unlock the full potential of your acrylic pour paintings. Walk away with revitalized masterpieces and a deeper understanding of the endless possibilities within this captivating technique.


About The Instructor:

Mona Tumba was born in Sweden and went to the French school in Stockholm studying art to become an interior designer. She moved to Florida in 1981 and started to take painting lessons in Delray.


Mona was married to Sven Tumba, a National Icon, and had four sons. She has had many exhibitions both here and in Sweden and has received many awards for her paintings.

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